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Can a TV Be Plugged Into a Power Strip? (Answered)

Written by Edwin Jones / Fact checked by Andrew Wright

can a tv be plugged into a power strip

Buying a new TV is an exciting experience. But now you’re wondering, “Can a TV be plugged into a power strip?”

Generally, you can plug a TV into a power strip. However, read the owner’s manual to know the manufacturer’s recommendations. Some companies may require users to plug TVs into wall outlets directly.

Do risks exist if I plug a TV into a power strip? Also, what can you do to ensure you don’t run into problems if you use an extension cord for your TV? Keep reading because this post aims to answer those queries (and more).

Are There Any Risks if I Plug a TV Into a Power Strip?


Following proper power strip usage is necessary to prevent ruining the TV and the circuit. Failing to heed the guidelines imposed by the TV’s manufacturer or electrical experts may result in serious issues.

So, pay attention to these potential risks that may exist if you plug a TV into a power strip:

  • Avoid using the power strip as a surge protector. Use a dedicated surge protector for TV instead of a standalone power strip if you’re unsure.
  • Don’t plug other high-capacity electronic devices into the same power strip as the TV. 
  • Only use a power strip rated for the TV’s location (e.g., indoor or outdoor use only).
  • Avoid daisy-chaining power strips, extension cords, and surge protectors. Voltage drops may occur otherwise, leading to the TV trying to draw more power than it should.

Additionally, pay attention to the TV’s electrical requirements. Many TVs have 120-volt ratings. That means that you shouldn’t plug the device into a power strip connected to a 220-volt or higher outlet. Doing so may cause irreparable harm to the TV. 

You might also wonder if it’s better to plug TV into wall or surge protector. The answer to this concern is in a later section of this post.

Tips to Use TV With an Extension Cord or a Surge Protector


If you plug a TV into an extension cord, make sure to pay attention to the following tips to help ensure correct usage for the device.

  • Use a medium- to heavy-duty extension cord of a low gauge to promote safety while watching the TV.
  • Plug the TV into a power strip of an appropriate length. A voltage drop may occur if the power strip’s cord is too long.
  • Only use a grounded power strip or extension cord.
  • Inspect the power strip’s integrity before use. Avoid connecting it to the TV or any other electrical device if you see damage to the strip’s wiring.
  • Do not run the extension under rugs, which might cause it to overheat or become a tripping hazard.

If you want optimal safety while using your TV, consider moving the device closer to a dedicated wall outlet.

Frequently Asked Questions


Should A TV Be Plugged Into A Surge Protector Or Wall Outlet?

Plugging a TV into a surge protector is typically safe. But it’s typically better to plug that electronic device into a wall outlet directly than into a surge protector for optimal security, especially if your breaker panel has a whole-house surge suppressor.

Power Strip And Extension Cord: What Is The Difference?

Although some people interchange the terms power strip and extension cord, the difference between the two products is their intended use.

A TV power strip is generally a set of additional outlets and may not necessarily reach an intended location. On the other hand, an extension cord helps connect a TV or another electronic device far from the wall outlet.

Should I Plug My TV Directly Into The Wall?

As mentioned earlier, TV manufacturers may advise users to plug the devices into the wall directly. A direct TV plug in to the wall helps increase security and peace of mind, particularly if you’re unsure of the power strip or extension cord’s quality.


In summary, the short answer to your initial concern, “Can a TV be plugged into a power strip” is yes. But don’t forget that certain hazards exist when attempting to complete this action.

Also, make sure you’re using the correct product for your TV. Although it’s possible to interchange the terms power strip, extension cord, and surge protector, ensure that you’re using the appropriate accessory that suits your home entertainment setup. 

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