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Can You Plug a Power Strip Into Another Power Strip?

Written by Edwin Jones / Fact checked by Andrew Wright

can you plug a power strip into another power strip

Running multiple electronic devices simultaneously with limited electrical outlets can be a frustrating experience. In this case, you may wonder, “can you plug a power strip into another power strip to extend the electrical connection?”

This solution may seem convenient. However, this type of electrical connection, a daisy chain of power strips, can be hazardous. There are many cases of house fires, deaths, and injuries caused by this dangerous setup.

Therefore, finding a safer solution is essential if you really need to run multiple devices simultaneously.

In this article, I will share some tips on what you can and cannot do with your power strip to avoid electrical hazards.

Why Shouldn’t You Plug Power Strip into Another Power Strip?


One of the main reasons you should not plug a power bar into another is the issue of overloading. It is because a power strip has only a limited amount of current that it can hold. This rating is enough to run some devices, such as low-powered appliances like lamps and clocks.

Plugging power strips into power strips allows you to use multiple electronics simultaneously. However, this connection might easily overload, resulting in a fire.

Additionally, it would be best if you did not connect a power strip to another power strip since it can violate NEC standards and OSHA regulations. At some point, such violations may result in a fine due to safety issues in the particular area where your daisy chain power strip is.

What Happens If I Plug a Power Strip into Another Power Strip?


A power strip plugged into power strip is more likely to create an easily overloaded circuit. This could lead to overheating or melting of wires that can cause electrocution or fire. You will also have to replace your cables earlier than you would otherwise need to.

Furthermore, a power strip connected to power strip may also result in sudden changes in the electrical supply. When this situation happens, it can create power surges that harm any devices connected to the circuit.

Dos And Don’ts with Power Strip

To ensure power strip safety, here is what you can and cannot do while using it.

  • Plug the power strip directly into an outlet.
  • Use it only to run low-powered devices that fit its rating.
  • Immediately stop using the power strip if the wire gets hot, as it may indicate an overloaded power strip.
  • Only use a power strip that is UL certified as it passed various electrical tests.
  • Always unplug the power strip when not in use to prevent hazards.
  • Don’t plug two power strips in one outlet as it may overload the power strips themselves or the circuit.
  • Don’t cover the power strip, as the wire may overheat and become a tripping hazard.
  • Don’t use cords that are wet, torn, or burned.
  • Don’t use an indoor power strip for outdoor applications; its insulation is not designed for outdoor weather.

Frequently Asked Questions


How Long Can You Keep Your Power Strip?

On average, a power strip has a lifespan of 5 years. However, proper usage, such as avoiding overloading and storing it safely, including not having a power strip plugged into itself, can help to extend its longevity.

How Many Power Strips are Allowed in One Outlet?

Due to electrical safety concerns, you can only use one power strip in one outlet. If you connect multiple power strips to a single outlet, the circuit can rapidly overload, resulting in property damage and fires.

Why Does My Power Strip Get Hot?

Hot power strips are an early warning indicator of overloads. This signifies that the current of the plugged-in equipment may be more than the rating of your power strip. When this happens, unplug your power strip and use one with a higher rating.


Can you plug a power strip into another power strip? The danger of this setup is worth keeping in mind. Furthermore, remembering the dos and don’ts of using a power strip above might help prevent electrical risks.

Use a single high-quality power strip to ensure the safety of having multiple devices on one circuit. However, installing multiple outlets recommended for the circuit is still the best solution. In this case, consulting a professional electrician would be helpful.


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