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Can You Plug a Surge Protector Into a Surge Protector?

Written by Edwin Jones / Fact checked by Andrew Wright

can you plug a surge protector into a surge protector

A power surge is one of the most common electrical problems in a residential electrical system. As a result, we utilize surge protectors with certain of our appliances to safeguard them from damage.

In addition, you may also wonder “can you plug a surge protector into a surge protector to extend your safe connection?” However, most electricians do not recommend this practice. In this case, let us talk briefly about it below.

Is It Bad to Plug a Surge Protector Into Another Surge Protector?


A power surge is a sudden electrical current increase lasting less than one second. It can cause damage to electronics when it occurs.

At the same time, a surge protector can protect an appliance from this potentially harmful occurrence. This device can block the surge from entering and damaging an electrical device.

Many people believe that plugging a surge protector into another surge protector increases safety. However, this is one of the most common misconceptions, since all electronics connected to a surge protector are already protected from a power surge. This means that it is not necessary to add another spike suppressor.

Moreover, a surge diverter usually comes at different ratings measured in joules. Therefore, if a surge protector plugged into surge protector, the one that activates first is the one with a low rating.

Another reason you should avoid connecting two surge protectors is that it may void their warranty. Yes, the manufacturer of these devices may not accept responsibility if the units are harmed as a result of this improper practice. Not only that, but this electrical connection violates OSHA standards.

Aside from connecting two surge protectors, you may be wondering if you can plug a power strip into a surge protector. This type of connection is allowed, provided that the load used in the connection does not exceed the surge protection device limits.

As a result, you may only utilize a device with a lower electrical rating than the surge suppressor. Avoid using high-powered equipment, as anything above the surge protection rating may cause overloads.

When this happens, your connected devices will be susceptible to damage.

Do and Don’t With a Surge Protector


  • A surge protector usually comes in various socket types, including USB and other types of ports, 120V connections, and 220V power supplies. Therefore, choosing your preferred socket connection would be best when buying this type of device.
  • Another smart move when purchasing a surge protector is to find one that can provide multiple connections. This way, you can use several low-powered devices at a time.
  • Choose a higher joules rating as it can absorb a higher amount of energy, which means a higher protection level.


  • Don’t plug in too many electronics that can overload a surge protection device.
  • Don’t daisy chain surge protection devices, as it may also overload the circuit.
  • Don’t use a surge protector to safeguard high powered equipment, as it may need a dedicated circuit and not an extension cord.

Frequently Asked Questions


Why Can’t I Plug the Surge Protector Into Surge Protector?

Plugging a surge protector into a surge protector is dangerous and can easily cause circuit overloads. As a result, the surge protection feature may be damaged, leaving your devices vulnerable to power surges.

Can You Plug 2 Surge Protectors Into the Same Outlet?

Connecting two independent surge protectors to the same outlet is absolutely safe. However, you should be responsible for the device you intend to plug into this setup, as it could result in overloads if you plug in a device that exceeds the power strips’ rating.

Can You Plug a Power Strip Into a Power Strip?

It is too risky to plug power strips together as it can increase the risk of overloading. Furthermore, doing this is against NEC as well as OSHA standards.

Are 2 Prong Devices Protected by a Surge Protector?

Yes, inserting a 2 prong item into a 3 prong adapter and connecting it to a surge protector will protect it from power surges. However, the surge protector should be grounded so that it can provide reliable protection.


Knowing the answer to the question “can you plug a surge protector into a surge protector?” will help you use this device safely. To avoid accidents, follow the guide above, which outlines what you should and should not do while using a surge protector.

Aside from installing a surge suppressor strip, you have several options, including using whole-house surge protection to protect your device. However, if you don’t know where to start, you can go on a forum like Reddit or call a professional.

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